23 Mar 2009 Children that will not sleep
 |  Category: Family

Why – why will my youngest child, Mr. Eagle, not sleep?

I understand there is a difference, from the Lord’s perspective, between “disciplining” and “pruning.”  The former is the result of sin, the ever-increasing discipline of the Lord intended to invite the individual unto repentance – to become fruitful instead of barren.  The latter is intended to promote growth (just like a tree, bush, or plant is pruned), to become like the Savior – in essence, to become more fruitful.  I get the concept: the one is because you’re doing something wrong and need to do something right, and the other is because you’re doing something “righter” but still not perfect.

And yet the symptom of both, disciplining and pruning, is the same – pain!  It hurts to have one’s proverbial branches snipped, rough sharp edges grounded smooth, or smacked in the head with a 2×4 (pick your analogy).  Whether due to sin or to promote growth, both hurt!

I don’t know into which category children that don’t sleep falls for me, but this child’s lack of sleep is quickly becoming painful.  😐

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1 Response

  1. 1

    Look! A comment! Not that we don’t both talk about this and deal with it daily… but now the entire blogging world shall know I love you enough to comment. Ready? Here it is!
    I’m glad he only got up once last night. Huzzah!

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