So a funny thing happened to me this morning. I got back to my desk and noticed I missed a call from someone whom I didn’t recognize. I called back and was greeted with a kind, pleasant voice that stated:
President Monson’s office.
Me: “Uh … I missed your call … I was just calling back …” (the fading gray represents, I expect, what my face looked like. I’ve always wondered what’s meant by and “ashen gray” face. I don’t wonder any longer)
Secretary: “Oh, I’m sorry; I think it was a misdial.”
Me: “Oh, good, I’m glad to hear that! No offense intended, but I’m glad to hear it was a wrong number.”
Amidst considerable laughter on the other side side, “Sorry, have a good day!”
People ask me all the time, “As a Church employee, do you get to see and interact with the Brethren?”
Oh sure, loads of times (not really, not in my position, anyway) – just not always the ways expected. 😉

Free n’ Equal and I got a great laugh out of this! Nice to see you blogging–looking forward to more posts. 🙂
That is awesome – thanks for sharing!!